Bad Day at School DAy
Today I had a really bad day and it was tough to do my maths.
Today I had a really bad day and it was tough to do my maths.
written by - Narnia at 5:50 PM 0 comments
breaking: nick denton fires himself, replaces website with bag of tears
written by - Narnia at 11:00 AM 0 comments Tags - gawker, gould, lodwick, nick denton, sicha, vimeo
emily gould and choire sicha left gawker, jakob lodwick left vimeo.
i'm moving to sf, and your sister and I are on good terms.
murray's new status message - the internet quit. it's moving on to bigger and better things. 5:45 PM
written by - Narnia at 2:40 PM 0 comments Tags - gawker, the internet, vimeo
written by - Narnia at 10:39 PM 0 comments Tags - bigthink, civic duty, silicon alley, video, web2.0
"The statue was also moved eight inches forward. There was an attempt to center the statue on the pedestal, but to no avail."
- via Dobbs
written by - Narnia at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Manhattan looks ridiculously tiny in comparrison to the fires raging in San Diego.
Taco stands and Waterpolo tournaments beware.
written by - Narnia at 11:32 AM 0 comments